Blossom Your Awesome

Sacred Geometry With Gabrielle Pimstone Blossom Your Awesome Podcast

March 01, 2024 Sue Dhillon Season 1 Episode 252
Sacred Geometry With Gabrielle Pimstone Blossom Your Awesome Podcast
Blossom Your Awesome
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Blossom Your Awesome
Sacred Geometry With Gabrielle Pimstone Blossom Your Awesome Podcast
Mar 01, 2024 Season 1 Episode 252
Sue Dhillon

Sacred Geometry With Gabrielle Pimstone Blossom Your Awesome Podcast

Gabrielle Pimstone left her position in corporate psychology, after podcast encounter sparked a life-altering shift.

Now, as an Energy Coach, she teaches powerful techniques for healing, navigating life transitions, and overcoming burnout.

Her mission is to help people find joy and fulfilment in personal transformation and to experience the gratification of self-discovery, progress and change.

On This Episode

Gabrielle shares her journey from the corporate world to energy work as an energy coach. She discusses the trigger for her career transition and the importance of recognizing the signs that it's time for change. Gabrielle explains the concept of advanced sacred geometry and how it can be used as a tool for healing. She also emphasizes the power of dreams and offers practical tips for releasing resistance and becoming unstuck. Gabrielle's closing message is that it's never too late to change and embrace a new path in life.


  • Recognize the signs that it's time for a career transition and embrace change.
  • Explore spirituality and tap into modalities that resonate with you.
  • Utilize advanced sacred geometry as a tool for healing and transformation.
  • Harness the power of dreams for healing and self-discovery.
  • Seek guidance from a coach to overcome resistance and break free from stuckness.
  • Choose change and release resistance to create a new reality.

To learn more about Gabrielle click here. 


Introduction and Background

The Trigger for Change

Exploring Spirituality

Introduction to Advanced Sacred Geometry

Using Sacred Geometry as a Tool

The Power of Energetic Frequencies

Harnessing the Healing Power of Dreams

Breaking Free from Stuckness

Seeking Guidance from a Coach

Choosing Change and Releasing Resistance

The Transformation of Getting Unstuck

Understanding Energy Blocks

Practical Tips for Resisting Less

Closing Message: It's Never Too Late to Change

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Or follow me on instagram where I post fairly regularly and ask an inquisitive question or two weekly in hopes of getting you thinking about your life and going deeper with it.

My Instagram - i_go_by_skd

To see more of who I'm talking to on the Podcast, to advertise your brand on the Blossom Your Awesome Podcast or just get in touch click here.

Show Notes Transcript

Sacred Geometry With Gabrielle Pimstone Blossom Your Awesome Podcast

Gabrielle Pimstone left her position in corporate psychology, after podcast encounter sparked a life-altering shift.

Now, as an Energy Coach, she teaches powerful techniques for healing, navigating life transitions, and overcoming burnout.

Her mission is to help people find joy and fulfilment in personal transformation and to experience the gratification of self-discovery, progress and change.

On This Episode

Gabrielle shares her journey from the corporate world to energy work as an energy coach. She discusses the trigger for her career transition and the importance of recognizing the signs that it's time for change. Gabrielle explains the concept of advanced sacred geometry and how it can be used as a tool for healing. She also emphasizes the power of dreams and offers practical tips for releasing resistance and becoming unstuck. Gabrielle's closing message is that it's never too late to change and embrace a new path in life.


  • Recognize the signs that it's time for a career transition and embrace change.
  • Explore spirituality and tap into modalities that resonate with you.
  • Utilize advanced sacred geometry as a tool for healing and transformation.
  • Harness the power of dreams for healing and self-discovery.
  • Seek guidance from a coach to overcome resistance and break free from stuckness.
  • Choose change and release resistance to create a new reality.

To learn more about Gabrielle click here. 


Introduction and Background

The Trigger for Change

Exploring Spirituality

Introduction to Advanced Sacred Geometry

Using Sacred Geometry as a Tool

The Power of Energetic Frequencies

Harnessing the Healing Power of Dreams

Breaking Free from Stuckness

Seeking Guidance from a Coach

Choosing Change and Releasing Resistance

The Transformation of Getting Unstuck

Understanding Energy Blocks

Practical Tips for Resisting Less

Closing Message: It's Never Too Late to Change

To follow me, get bonus content from the show, my own takeaways and favorite quotes, along with access to my newsletter Check me out here at my Substack.

This is the best place to support my work.

Or sign up for my Weekly Newsletter here.

To see more of my work check me out at my website where I write and cover mindfulness and other things to help you Blossom Your Awesome.

Or checkout my other site where I right about arts and culture, wellness, essays and op-eds.

Or follow me on instagram where I post fairly regularly and ask an inquisitive question or two weekly in hopes of getting you thinking about your life and going deeper with it.

My Instagram - i_go_by_skd

To see more of who I'm talking to on the Podcast, to advertise your brand on the Blossom Your Awesome Podcast or just get in touch click here.

Sue (00:00.834)
Hi there, today on the show, we have got Gabrielle Pemstone here with us. I'm so honored and delighted to have you here. Welcome to the show.

Gaby (00:10.174)
Thank you Sue, I'm honoured and delighted to be here as well.

Sue (00:15.454)
I am so excited and you are joining us all the way from Australia, Sydney. How cool is that? And now getting into the work you do, Gabrielle. So you were in the corporate world. You worked in corporate psychology for 27 years and then you transitioned to energy work. You are an energy coach. You help people who feel burnt out and stuck.

So give us the backstory, why the transition, and then we'll get into the work you do today.

Gaby (00:52.35)
Sounds great, thank you. So why was because the universe was just giving me sign upon sign that it was time to move on. And the biggest sign of all was that the career that I'd loved and been so identified with for so many decades had stopped thrilling me, it had stopped giving me purpose and meaning in my life. Had no resonance left with what I was doing. And the...

So I was at a point, a real inflection point, and in 2020 I was in a senior leadership role in one of Australia's top four banks, and I woke up on a Sunday morning with butterflies in my stomach, but really, like real butterflies. I felt sick, I felt a bit destabilized, and I didn't know what was going on, so I tuned inwards, and I realized the butterflies was my anxiety.

and the anxiety had come up because the following day was Monday and I had to step back into roll and I was stressed. I wasn't eating, I wasn't sleeping.

My physical health was really poor, and so I took myself off for a walk and I listened to a podcast, and on the podcast there was somebody being interviewed talking about her chronic anxiety, and when she described her experience as always waiting for the other shoe to fall.

That was my moment because I realised that's how I've been living life ever since I was a young child but it was just really exacerbated with the world of work that I was in and I made a commitment to myself that day that I was going to change things. Almost like I got to a point Sue where I no longer wanted to change, I needed to change and so it was that crisis that got me going.

Sue (02:48.555)
And you know this idea, you know all too well how that crisis or that moment of anxiety had to happen to trigger the change, right?

Gaby (02:58.122)
Definitely, definitely because most of us as humans, we don't typically change until we get that nudge, until we get that, sometimes it's a gentle nudge, sometimes it's a kick. And otherwise we continue doing what we've always done in our comfort zone. So I think that crisis, that jolt out of your comfort zone is an essential part of changing your life.

Sue (03:26.178)
And, you know, what's interesting is this idea that you had been feeling something, like you were, and so often I find that people are stuck in situations where they just kind of get into the motion of doing things, but it doesn't feel right. They're not, don't feel like they have purpose. They're just kind of on autopilot.

Gaby (03:49.002)
Yes, yes and you're right, I mean in many ways the universe is always giving us signs, always, it's in constant dialogue with us and most of us don't listen, I didn't listen for years. When I actually thought about it and tuned in, I realized I'd been in this downward spiral for a number of years and I needed a crisis to happen in order to take action. So for me the really big lesson was...

listening and co-creating my reality with the universe so that I can, you know, being in that constant dialogue, listening to the signs and following them because I ignored them myself for so long until it was pretty bad. I was in a bad place and, you know, I don't want your listeners to get to that place.

Sue (04:37.122)
Yes. So now give us the details here as far as the energy work. I mean, how did you come upon that? Had you always been spiritual? Had you always had you gone yourself for healing and things and knew that was something that resonated with you? How did that come about?

Gaby (04:55.43)
That's a great question. I've always been spiritual. I've actually from a young age.

from about the age of seven or eight, when my father was really ill, I became really curious about two things. I became curious about the human psyche and psychology and what makes us tick, what makes me tick. And the other angle was I became curious after my dad passed away about the afterlife and the spirituality. That I came to understand that, you know, there has to be something more than just the life that we're living, because I was seeking

Why did my father die? And so from a young age I was capturing my dreams, I was journaling. And then after my dad passed away I even had a conversation with my mum where I said I want to go and see a medium and she said no way. And so I put the spirituality on the back burner but I had experiences over the course of my life that kind of kept me alive and awake to the fact that there's a life beyond

I started a little bit of channeling which freaked me out to be honest at the time and I pushed it to one side. I had coincidences and experiences that were extraordinary and then it took until 2020 when I was at this crisis point and the psychological tactics that I used to use and the techniques I used to use on myself no longer, that were no longer working that I thought well what other modalities are out there.

there that I can tap into to help me through this impasse and a couple of days later an advert came up on my Instagram feed and this guy was there was a three-day weekend workshop and was virtually free I know that those are usually you know marketing tools but I you know kind of went and he landed up being my

Sue (06:44.77)
Thank you.

Gaby (06:54.106)
energy teacher. I landed up studying under him for 18 months and it was he awoken me to a completely different modality and in that modality I realized that I can effect change in my life fast and permanently in ways that I hadn't or wasn't able to do after decades in therapy. So that was really what got me into it and the rest is history as they say.

Sue (07:21.47)
Now, can you give us an example if you're comfortable sharing this kind of, right? So you say you wanted to go to a medium after your dad passed away and your mom was like, absolutely not. And I find, again, so often people, it's like too visceral, it's too real for people to accept the, you know, other things and other planes and other realities. For you.

Give us an example, if you can, of an experience where you just could no longer pretend or deny it or minimize it, right? What was that? Can you share something with us?

Gaby (07:58.28)
Thank you.

Gaby (08:02.786)
I mean there were so many of them. I mean the one time I remember I was meditating because I got into that and I was sitting in my bedroom on a cushion and I went deep. I went into a real theta state and my late father's soul spoke to me. It was inside my head and I got such a fright that I came out of it. It lasted like a second. Well it lasted a couple of seconds. So if you say

how did you know if you channel you just know where it's coming from so that was the one experience and then shortly after that I'd sold my first property and I was moving into a new house and I channeled again and this time the channeling was in my voice and it spoke exactly like I speak and it was a voice that was trying to warn me very gently and it kind of whispered.

and I got such a fright that I stood up, I was doing admin, I was doing paperwork on the bed. I got up, I went, I stood by the window, there were people outside, I connected with the outside world and I really just got rid of that encounter. And I had a number of those experiences where internally where there was irrefutable evidence and I knew I wasn't going mad. And then I actually went to a medium. This was years later, I must have been.

probably at that stage about 30. And one of my mates said to me, oh, you've got to go and see this medium. And I went to see this woman. And finally, and she tuned into the most, had the most extraordinary experience. She said to me, you know, she held my hand. And she said to me, she described my father coming through in very, very specific words. And then said, he wants you to know that.

when your brother was in the car accident, he brought him back to life. And my brother had been in a near-death, had a near-death experience, and kind of was on the operating table and felt himself sitting up. It was just so extraordinary. So then somebody else came that felt really credible. And I had a number of those experiences from within and from without that got me realizing there's something to this.

Sue (10:27.326)
Wow. And now talk to us. I know one of your modalities, I believe, is advanced sacred geometry. Can you talk to us about this? What is advanced sacred geometry for those who don't know? How does it work? Was it your teacher? Is this how you stumbled upon it? Give us that story.

Gaby (10:42.695)

Gaby (10:49.278)
Well, I didn't know what sacred geometry was. I'd actually had Reiki done on me before, but I didn't know what they were doing at the time. And I just went, I joined up in this energy program because I wanted to change my life. I didn't care about learning about sacred geometry, but when I learned about it, I just, you know, fell in love with it. So maybe we could start with what sacred geometry is and then go into advanced sacred geometry. So for your...

listeners who don't know, they are perfect geometric shapes that are found everywhere in nature and in the human body. They're energy patterns. So our DNA, a shell, a flower petal, snow flecks, we all know the beauty of those geometric structures. And Galileo called it the universal language. He said that, you know, it's the way that nature is created

Sue (11:29.794)
Thank you.

Gaby (11:49.212)
refer to it as the alphabet that God used to define and design the universe. Now each of these geometric structures which we find everywhere has got divine proportions and divine ratios and they house a specific energetic frequency that can be used for healing and each one has got a different energetic frequency and therefore can be used for different kinds of healing.

Gaby (12:19.232)
sacred geometry might be a spiral, might be a pyramid, but advanced sacred geometry are patterns that are complex. So there are specific geometries that are, if you try and draw them, they are a lot more complex. For example, the Sri Yantra or the Minotrons Cube. But the other way that I'd find advanced sacred geometry is layering using multi geometries and healing. So the more geometries you use,

the more potent they become and the more you can get out of the healing. And what they do, how geometries work is when you build them through intention or you can physically kind of trace them, but they amplify our connection to higher consciousness and they enhance the effectiveness of our energy healings because they act as an adapter. So if you bring a sacred geometry into you or if you build one around you, which is how

them and you channel divine energy to do your healing you don't have to house that energy that's coming through. The sacred geometry does that and that means that more love and light can come in than you would ordinarily as a human being be able to channel on your own but it also means as a healer you don't get as tired you've got more in your tank. So that's how they work and I just

the opportunity and the possibility to do far more potent healings and to do them more regularly because I'm not drawing on my energy I've got something that's allowing energy to channel through me really efficiently. So that's how I would describe geometry and advanced sacred geometry.

Sue (13:49.691)
Thank you.

Sue (14:09.503)
Wow, that's so fascinating. So are you using tools or are you just, can you give us that insight?

Gaby (14:19.238)
in terms of tools, in terms of...

Sue (14:23.648)
Are you using actual tools that are in certain shapes?

Gaby (14:31.106)
using geometries that are in that. So for example, there might be a time where I use a simple geometry like an octahedron. I like using them because they, when I work with them, they have the capacity to kind of cleanse and dig. And then I will work with, sometimes I pull in, you know, the sacred geometry of the Sri Yantra has got the code of the universe, universal love, divine, unconditional love.

If a person is struggling with that issue, I'll bring in and I'll work with the Sri Anta. I probably won't use it on them because it's a very potent one, but I'll house it and I'll channel the Divine Unconditional Love to work on them. If I want to travel across time and space, I might bring in the Meditronce Cube mixed with another couple of...

geometries which I find open portals and allow me to kind of access time and space beyond the here and now. So that's I use them each one has got a different use it's got a different energetic frequency and I use them for different things and then I've got my

my signature sacred geometry, which I downloaded when I was on sacred land in America last year. And that I always use. So the minute I start working on myself or someone, I'll pull in the energy of that particular geometry and I'll house it no matter what I'm doing. Sometimes I even sleep with it because it's got protective qualities as well. So I use them as, they are the tool, I guess, in answering the question.

Sue (15:59.694)
Thank you.

Sue (16:16.002)
Thanks for watching!

Gaby (16:20.35)
the geometry.

Sue (16:20.723)
Okay, so, yes, so it's an energetic frequency of the sacred geometry that you're tapping into. It's like a virtual, it's not a tangible physical object tool. It's just the frequency, which is very similar to Reiki because a lot of, you know, Reiki, you're not the one doing the healing. You are a conduit and we use these congee signs and symbols, right? That can...

Gaby (16:28.49)

Gaby (16:35.155)

Sue (16:46.994)
very similar to Reiki that have patterns and shapes and they, you know, have certain qualities and things, right, for like a distant healing and for activating more power and for love and all of that. So it sounds very similar to that. Now, yes, so tell me for somebody at home, is there something you can recommend if somebody is at home feeling stuck and struggling?

Gaby (16:54.715)
That's right. Yes.

Gaby (17:02.173)
Yes. Enjoy your drinks.

Sue (17:16.23)
Is there something they can do? Is there a practical tip or some guidance you can offer for kind of activating calm and tranquility or...

Gaby (17:25.21)
Yes, yes, oh there's that, that's my specialty because my, you know we've all got that one thing that follows us through life and mine is being anxiety and so you know each person's going to have to find their own way because what's worked for me may not work for you but there have been a couple of things that work for me, very simple things, you don't have to be an energy master to

Gaby (17:56.611)
I do mindful walking. I go down to my beach and I focus on the pattern of my walking. And I'm literally, I'm not just getting exercise, which is great because exercise, physical exercise, moves your energy around you and it helps get things unstuck. But the mindfulness piece brings me into the present moment.

And so I can't think of anything else when I'm focusing on my steps. I can only think of where I am in the moment. So I use mindful walking, but any kind of mindful movement has proven to be really effective. The other thing that I do a lot, I work a lot in my sleep. And it's hugely efficient. And as I said earlier, I've been fascinated with my dream world because I know so much healing.

Sue (18:39.202)

Gaby (18:52.874)
takes place and so much release takes place when we have a powerful dream. And so what I recommend to people is to get into a clear and just quiet, calm, energetic space just before you go to sleep and set an intention. Tonight as I sleep I set the intention to release what is making me feel anxious or release what is making me feel stressed or release what is keeping me stuck in anxiety.

Sue (18:57.71)
Thanks for watching!

Gaby (19:22.514)
Whatever they think through the wording quite carefully and say that intention just heartfelt from a heart space just before you go to sleep. Go to sleep, have your dream and then when you wake up write your dream down because what I found and this is what was so magical the first encounter when I was eight that I had with a dream it was a really scary dream. It was actually it was a phobia that came into my dream.

and I was so scared but I leaned into it and what I found as a young kid that when I journaled it was so cathartic. I didn't know what my dream was about at that time, I didn't have to know because the act of writing down what I remembered had a serious, you know, had a releasing cathartic effect. So that would be a really big tip that I give to people is really work more

Sue (20:08.374)
Thank you.

Sue (20:19.626)
Oh, that's so powerful. I love that. And you know, so few people really talk about the dream state in that way, right? We just kind of let go and surrender, and you don't realize that there is healing and so much going on within that state that we can activate.

Gaby (20:36.334)
so much and you know when you start out because there are different levels of dream work you know people say I don't dream well you do dream you just don't remember your dreams so the first hurdle is getting into a rhythm in a practice where you start remembering your dreams then the next step is you know starting to understand what your dreams are about and kind of joining the dots what are the patterns in your dreams and

It's such an incredible process. And then the third part of it is using your dreams to really heal, and that's where techniques like lucid dreaming as well can be incredibly powerful. And so, you know, you go through phases, but you've gotta get into the practice. It's something that if you don't become aware of, you don't commit to, you don't practice.

then you're just not going to remember your dreams, and if you do, they're going to evaporate really quickly. So you want to get into the practice of doing it. I can't recommend it more. It's highly enough. It's just an incredible process.

Sue (21:38.998)

Sue (21:42.514)
And you know what I love, Gabrielle, is this idea of how fluid you make it all seem, you know, because people are so rigid, they're so stuck in their ways, they're so not apt or open to changing. So what about someone who is stuck, who can't break some sort of cycle? What is your guidance there? What are your thoughts on that?

Gaby (22:07.89)
You know, if you're stuck, and by the way, I was stuck, I always say this, being stuck was my catalyst. I was trying all my old tools and techniques and they weren't working anymore. If you're stuck, truly, it is a sign to go and speak to a coach, to work with a coach, because what a coach is gonna do is it's gonna, they're gonna get you into a non-resistant.

energy state. That's one of the, there are a couple of things that keep us stuck. Getting off the starting blocks is one of them. It's like taking that first step, but also the other thing that keeps us stuck is when we're in this unconscious, resistant, energetic state and we don't even know that we're there. So a coach is going to help you get off the starting blocks and he's going to break through those barriers of resistance, whatever they may be for you, because you can't become unstuck.

unless you let go of resistance. And resistance is an integral part of, you know, it's an integral response to change. So I would say if you are feeling stuck, seek a coach who can help you get through those two initial hurdles. And once you're over them, then things start flowing a lot easier.

Sue (23:27.074)
That is such great guidance there, because again, I think when people are stuck, they don't even realize they're stuck. They don't realize that it's themselves keeping themselves stuck, right? A lot of times we're so outward-focused and blaming everything else and this circumstance and that circumstance and not owning our own power to be able to release that stuckness, but having somebody look at it from the outside.

Gaby (23:54.702)
100%. Look, I will say Sue that eventually you are going to, we all become unstuck. We do, you know, the universe will give you an experience that'll wake you up. We need that wake up call. And for some people it's the loss of a relationship where you think, you know, I've had another relationship breakdown, I can't deal with this anymore. You know, for somebody else it might be bankruptcy where you...

sit and you go, I've had this ongoing pattern with, you know, money and abundance my whole life, I can't deal with it anymore, I'm going to do something about it. So in my case, it was just feeling sick of feeling anxious continuously. I couldn't live with that gnawing feeling in my stomach. Physiologically, I couldn't stand it a moment longer. So we all get to those points.

sooner or later the evidence I guess will be irrefutable and that's when we all take that first step.

Sue (24:59.615)
And I love this idea of being stuck, but it's like you say, we all get unstuck, which is so powerful. So those areas in life where you feel stuck or you're struggling, that's like the lesson. That's where the breakthrough is waiting to happen for you. You just have to love it.

Gaby (25:19.594)
Exactly. And your point earlier is such an important one, which is, and I used to cringe at this term, but now I've come to deeply integrate it and internalize it. It is a choice.

It really is a choice. It's actually as simple as that. If you choose that you no longer want to sit in your invisible prison, because we have these invisible prisons, the bars are the things that keep us stuck and the bars are different things. For me it was anxiety. But you know, we sit in this invisible prison. There's that beautiful Rumi quote, I don't know if you know it. Why do we sit in prison when the door's wide open? It's a choice.

Sue (25:57.64)
I'm losing you for a second here, Gabriel.

Gaby (25:58.778)
it really is a choice and so you can't hear.

Sue (26:03.094)
Give it one moment. I'm gonna have a repeat. I can hear you again now. So you started saying there's a beautiful roomie quote. I'll have you take it from there.

Gaby (26:11.718)
Oh yeah, it's this beautiful roomie quote which is, why do you stay in prison when the door is wide open?

and it's that invisible prison that we all sit in. It's the, we imagine that we are stuck. Now the stuckness in my experience is because over time when we've internalized things, our experiences, they become part of our identity. We start to believe them. They start to become our identity and who we are. For me, the anxiety was such an integral part of my identity.

entity. Who would I be if I wasn't continuously waiting for that other shoe to fall? And so there's always a payoff no matter how difficult the thing is that we've chosen to live out over and over again. There's a payoff. In my experience, I was identified with being anxious because I felt that if I didn't, if I wasn't continuously waiting for the other

complacent. I'd become complacent and if I became complacent then the rug would get pulled out from underneath my feet. That was the imagined payoff. We've all got those payoffs. They become part of our story, part of our belief systems and we overly identify with them which is why we land up feeling stuck but they're actually, you know, those things are quite, they're easier to change than we give them credit for.

but you've got to choose the change. And I know that sounds simplistic and it took me 50 years to get to that point, but we all can become unstuck.

Sue (28:04.882)
I think that is so, so powerful and such a very like needed reminder and affirmation that we can all become unstuck. I think people need to hear that over and over again so it gives them some sense of hope and faith in this possibility of getting to the other side of stuckness, right?

Gaby (28:26.226)
Yes, yes, and if I can become unstuck, anyone can. Because I was in the grips of severe anxiety my whole life for decades. It was ingrained in me at a cellular level. You know, it infiltrated my dreams. It came out in the way that I spoke, the words that I used. I mean, it's so interesting. I caught myself in a moment, Sue, where I sometimes talk to myself.

I think we all do. And I woke up one morning and I heard myself, after eight hours of sleep, I heard myself say, I'm exhausted. I said that out loud. And

the word and I realized that I was used that language all the time. I'm exhausted, it's exhausting me, it's exhausting. I was using that language all the time and it was my expression of feeling this anxiety was just sapping me of so much energy. So you can catch yourself even if you make shifts to your language that's going to help.

So there's so many ways that we can really tweak and sometimes even transform the things that are tripping us up. And it's easier than you give yourself credit for.

Sue (29:43.26)
And so talk to us about this. What was that like, the other side, you know, of getting unstuck? What is that like?

Gaby (29:54.846)
Well, I don't live with that gnawing feeling, day in, day out. That's been the biggest change in my life. And for anyone listening who suffers from anxiety, you know how mammoth of a statement that is. To go from constant anxiety, trepidation, terror, fear, to...

I feel anxiety, but I'm not anxiety. That's the difference. So it's the difference between feeling an emotion, and we all need to feel anxiety from time to time. That's normal. The difference between feeling an emotion and being the emotion is the shift that I've made. And the being the emotion was when anxiety was part of my energetic field. It was my, my prime, my dominant frequency was anxiety.

And so that's changed. Doesn't mean I don't feel anxiety appropriately. I do, and that's okay. I'm just not anxiety. And I think that's been the biggest shift for me.

Sue (31:00.23)
Mm-hmm. And you know, this idea of energy blocks, I mean, ultimately, it's like anywhere we're stuck or feeling resistance, it ultimately boils down to energy. Your energy there in that feeling or in that space is blocked, and that's why you're not able to get past it.

Gaby (31:18.578)
That's right and I mean ultimately energetic blocks form and they compound over life. I mean they get deeper and deeper until they lodge typically in our chakra system which is great because it can give you a clue what the energy block is about depending on where it's lodged. And um...

I remember the guy who taught me always used this term, he said they act as like an invisible handbrake, you can't see them, but they're holding you back in life, you can't push your foot, that's the stuckness, you can't move forward in your life because you've got this invisible brake, handbrake that's kind of holding you back, it's like trying to drive in first gear.

Gaby (32:08.844)
invisible, but they're immensely powerful. They determine whether we stay back or whether we go forward and accelerate in our lives. And it was that awakening on the weekend, that was the thing that got me to understand that if I, what if I clear the block at its energetic inception point, rather than trying to work through it cognitively? Let me try and work and that's what makes all the difference, because I think you mentioned earlier,

energy. Our thoughts are energy. Our beliefs are energy. The stories we tell ourselves have an energetic outcome. The decisions we make have an energetic stamp. Everything is energy. And so if everything is energy, if your thoughts and beliefs are simply, you know, they have an energetic component, why not clear the root of the energetic block as opposed to trying to figure it out in your mind.

It makes things, it just speeds things up.

Sue (33:10.622)
And also when you start understanding energy, it's kind of like that resistance is feeding that energy. You know, you're putting energy into resisting what you don't want, but it's just making it more of a thing in your world. It's hyper activating what you don't want by focusing on that thing.

Gaby (33:33.394)
Yes, I couldn't agree with you more on that. It's amplifying.

It's the thing that, you know, it's like when we resist something, that's where all our energy goes, as you're saying, and it just, it amplifies the holding back. But we don't know that we're doing it. We don't, I mean, resistance looks so different for so many people. I mean, the frequency of resistance for me was anger, actually, funnily enough. It was anger. And that is how my anxiety spoke to me and spoke to the world.

Sue (33:38.561)

Gaby (34:08.564)
have got different expressions which is why it's quite gruelly to speak to a coach and to work out what's your unique expression? How is because you know sometimes our blocks show up in a particular way but the root of it is different so my act looked like anger it was anxiety it was it was actually grief and so it's right it's really empowering and energizing and elevating to

Sue (34:20.226)
Thank you.

Gaby (34:38.444)
work out what is the root, what is at the core of it and to release the energy around that. I wish more people would get into the stuff. It's very special.

Sue (34:52.518)
It is very special and what is some guidance you have for people to kind of resist a little less? What can they do? Is there anything you can do at home if you're feeling, you know, tight and resisting something?

Gaby (35:06.29)
Yeah, I mean I did geometric breathing. I don't know whether they teach you that in Reiki, but breathing using, it's like that box breathing, but with different numbers. What people, it's both physically it's incredible, but actually what it does is if you use specific numbers it opens up healing portals. That's what people don't know about. So if you breathe in a particular way, then you're actually opening up a space.

for healing to happen. So what I would recommend to people is to do box breathing to the count of five or even seven if you can stretch it out to that. So you breathe in

to the count of five, one, two, three, four, five, you hold your breath to the count of five, you release to the count of five, you hold your breath at the bottom to the count of five, and then you repeat that five to seven times. It's very, very powerful. So those are, those are simple things we all have available to us to really, you know, get into the heart of it.

Sue (36:17.378)
That is so beautiful and so powerful. So a couple of things, first and foremost, Gabrielle, you have been so amazing and so insightful. And I just love everything you've shared and you embody this work that you do. And it just has been so wonderful having this time with you.

Gaby (36:37.702)
Thank you so, so much. It's been wonderful having this time with you too. I just feel like I know you're closing down, but I want to make one comment. If I can just open up very quickly what you've just said. The concept of energetic embodiment is where change happens. And so, and you know, that's the work. And I, you know, you're both releasing the old, which is the unlearning, the letting go.

but you're also bringing in and ushering the new. So healing isn't just about letting go of what isn't serving you. It's about embodying the thing that you aspire, you know, the thing you're dreaming of, your aspirations. So energetic embodiment is where change is at. And that's, I just wanted to say that because it was the only thing you said.

Sue (37:26.483)
I love that, I love that so much. And now, so I'm going to be sure to have links to all of your stuff so people can connect with you on your website and all of that. But you know, the interesting thing about what you just said is at the very end, I always ask people, and I know you've got more there for us. So at the end, I'd like to ask people if there is a closing message, what they would like to leave us with. So please share that closing message you'd like to leave us with.

Gaby (37:54.602)
I think you want to go back to the idea that it's never too late to change and to become unstuck. You know, I was 50 when it happened a couple of years ago and so really don't let that be your alibi. Don't let that keep you stuck. Age is, you know, you're never too old and it's never too late.

Sue (38:17.954)
That is such a beautiful, powerful closing message. I love it, Gabrielle. You've been so wonderful. Thank you so much.

Gaby (38:24.832)
Thank you so much.

Sue (38:26.786)
Thank you.